I’d like to think apart from my characteristic Piscean mood-swings (yes, I’ve finally accepted I believe in that hippy, let's-hump-the-ground-to-convey-our-love-for-earth stuff) and occasional feeling of ‘oh fuck’, I’m a very happy person.
Jason Mraz (my favourite singer ever! I took the picture during his performance on 04/04/2009 in Hammersmith) put up a blog post listing, in 90 seconds, everything he is grateful for. He then encouraged everyone reading it to do the same.
I can't think that fast so erm, here are 5 minutes' worth of gratitude:
+ My family and friends (obviously including the pigs and my seamonkeys)
+ Jasmin
+ Literature
+ All the films, TV shows and songs that have ever made me cry
+ London
+ Theatre
+ Any famous person I pine over including but not limited to: John Travolta, Jason Mraz, Christian Bale, Leonardo Di Caprio
+ Salvador Dalí
+ Salty popcorn
+ Buildings and views that awe me into silence
+ Candles and playing with melted wax
+ Late night phone calls
+ Stamps on my passport
+ Snorting with laughter
+ Polar bears
+ Laughing at the jokes in my head
+ Making people awkward for my own amusement
+ Good hair days
+ Incense sticks
+ Gem stones
+ Sea shells
+ Hippies
+ The smell of old books. Sniff the QMUL library, you will jizz in your pants.
+ Coconut
+ Biblical metaphors
+ Eggs
+ Bright nail varnish
+ Vanilla lattes
+ My camera. Best 16th birthday present ever.
+ Greek mythology
+ Family holidays
+ Photos taken in photo booths
+ Christmas TV
+ Kit-Kat
+ Making pot-porri
+ Clashing colours
+ Laurence Llewelyn Bowen
+ Booze
+ Museums
+ Fossils
+ Sunflowers
+ White lillies
+ Lavender
+ Songs with retarded lyrics
+ Accents. Especially European ones.
+ Pyjamas (aka my wardrobe)
+ Funny racist people who make me feel intellectually superior
+ Bike riding
+ Mr Potter
+ The feeling in my stomach when I miss a step or go on a rollercoaster
+ Indian food
+ Night skies that make me feel all warm, fuzzy and insignificant. But in a good way.
+ Google. The closest we will ever get to omniscience.
+ Olives
+ Weird dance moves ('reverse driving', 'the cool down' and 'milking the cow' are particular favourites)
+ Crunchy peanut butter
+ Feeling like I’m in a music video and strutting when my iPod’s on
+ The '90s
+ Hand-written letters
+ Garlic
+ Wise, crazy people I meet on public transport
+ Old photos where you think ‘why did I think that looked good?’
+ Remembering lyrics to songs I forgot existed
+ The Great Spoon of Ilford!
+ Leicester
+ Spell-check
+ Blue Peter before it had that shitty green badge
+ Free samples, sales and any legal method of saving money
+ Cute kids. No paedo.
+ Cute animals. No beasty.
+ Pretty people
+ People who buy weird and imperfect fruit
+ Flash mobs - especially 'No Pants Day'
+ The seasons and fickle British weather
+ Drinking alcohol outside when it's sunny
+ Mum's tea
+ Texts or calls from people I lost contact with
+ Lucid dreaming
+ My teachers
+ Silver jewellery
+ Mix tapes made by my friends
+ People who recycle
+ Fruit
+ Roasted chestnuts
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